Press Release


Over Three thousand ODM Delegates are expected to converge in the city next week on Saturday, 26th (February 2022) for the party’s National Delegates Convention (NDC). This is the party’s premier decision-making organ which meets after every five years to make a raft of decisions.

Article 7.2 (2A) of the party Constitution lists the following as delegates that form the NDC;

  • All members of the National Executive Committee (NEC)
  • Members of the Party Parliamentary Group
  • Governors and Deputy Governors
  • Chairpersons of the County Co-ordinating Committees
  • Chairpersons of all the 290 branches of the party
  • All members of the regional coordinating committees
  • Majority or Minority leaders of County Assemblies
  • All National Officials of the ODM Women League
  • All National Officials of the ODM Youth League
  • All National Officials of the ODM Disability League
  • One marginalized person drawn from every county
  • One person nominated by the Branch Executive Committee where the member of the National Assembly is an elected member of the party.
  • One lady elected by the County Coordinating Committee where the county     woman representative is elected on the party ticket.
  • One person nominated by the County Coordinating Committee where the Senator of elected on the party ticket.
  • One person nominated by the County Coordinating Committee where the Governor is elected on the party ticket.
  • Members of the party’s standing committees.
  • One member representing the overseas’ branch.
  • Top-up delegates from branches to be determined by the National Executive Committee.

The party wishes to inform our members and supporters that the National Delegates Convention is not a public rally but a legal and constitutional meeting where only delegates meet to make important decisions for the party and on behalf of the rest of the party membership.

The Saturday 26th February convention will be held at the Kasarani Indoor Gymnasium. The party urges the rest of the membership and supporters to follow the proceedings of the event on television and online.

The National Governing Council (NGC) has been scheduled for Friday 25th February at the Co-Operative University College in Karen ahead of the NDC at Kasarani.

Only accredited delegates, observers, and media personnel will be allowed into the venues of both meetings.


Philip Etale

Director of Communications – ODM
